
Simulation of the "Jericho-Horn"
German magazine HOBBY HiFi 2-3/2023

Comparison of the competing horn constructions Mikro-Horn 2015, Cobra-Horn, Chess Base and Jericho-Horn 23 using AJHorn simulations



HobbyHifi 2-3/2023 p. 75

"Loudspeaker Calculation Perfected"
German magazine HOBBY HiFi 2/2020 Editorial

"This program uses a remarkable simple loudspeaker model, which predicts astonishing accurate the acoustic behavior itself highly complex housing constructions."

"To describe the possibilities of this program is with ease beyond the scope of a single article: You could easily write a thick book about this program ... AJHorn 7 is worth one whole series of items. This starts in this issue."



HobbyHifi 2/20 front page

The new "Swiss knife" \ Grundlagen \ Software/Messtechnik \ AJ-Horn 7

How does AJ-Horn 7 simulate a TQWT?
Conclusion from Theo Winterscheid:
"...AJ Horn 7 has grown up in my opinion, it can now simulate pretty much anything that comes to mind and ...... makes sense at all. The TQWT example here is just one trifle. Just the possibilities to simulate horns and TMLs with two drivers, or to move an InternalHelmholtzResonator over the line makes the new AJ-Horn 7 to a really powerful tool. Of course this is just a small outline of the possibilities, but we're fans of TQWT Speakers and that was the right entry for us."



HiFi-Selbstbau Logo

German magazine HOBBY HiFi 5/2018

"Long Line"
Bernd Timmermanns shows, what issues are important with the TML-construction and where the change of the dimensions and volumes of the transmissionline has an acoustical effect.



HobbyHifi 5/18 front page

The Perfect Bass-Horn
German magazine HOBBY HiFi 5/2017

Design options for the horn construction:
Simulation and construction of the WaveHorn. Here the planning from the first simulation over the optimization of the individual horn parameters to the final project is described.



HobbyHifi 5/17 front page

Die Schnecke, Pico Lino 3, Cobra Horn, Transmissionline TL90, Micro-Horn 2015
German magazine HOBBY HiFi 5/2015

Extra-large edition with 114 pages.
Presentation of the design horn "Schneckenhorn" engineered from Bernd Timmermanns, idea and realization from Vincent Schwall. The 8" fullrange driver W8-1772 from Tang Band is used.

In addition there are a lot of presentations of horn and transmissionline projects. An extensive test of fullrange chassis is also included.



HobbyHifi 15/5 front page

Desktop TL and Studio-Monitor 2
German magazine HOBBY HiFi 1/2015

Development of the miniature Transmissionline "Desktop TL" with Scan Speak 5F/8422T01 driver..."With all these presuppositions AJHorn hits the target. Already the first trial construction could not more improved."

Some words from the real developper of the "Studio-Monitor 2" from HOBBY HiFi 6/2014
Many informations about the practical development and optimization of this horn system.  



HobbyHifi 15/1 inside

"Mini-Transmissionline TL90 und BK166 Horn Enclosure"
German magazine HOBBY HiFi 4/2012

"Without simulation possibility, the construction of a Transmissionline loudspeaker would be a hardly yet realizable venture - until the construct perfectly functioned, could be processed many square meters of chip disk and to dispose of the most therefrom afterwards.  HOBBY HiFi has worked for many years successfully with the software "AJHorn".  Whose results we exactly can confirm fair technical again and again ..."

"... If one very exactly takes it, the BK166 resembles at the beginning sooner a hyperbolic and to the end there sooner a geometric horn course.  The simulated frequency responses show between both horn types however no significant difference - last of all is it therefore insignificant.  Here now the result...  That can see let itself:  Until 200 Hz, the agreement of measurement and simulation is impressively." 



HobbyHifi 4/12 front page

"AJHorn 6"
First view on the new version 6 from the german magazine HOBBY HiFi

"... The housing input window was formed newly. The number of the housing parameters grew at the same time considerably. In order to retain here yet the overview, the input fields are arranged at corresponding positions of a horn principle sketch. ... Once therewith trusts, prepares the operation of the program no difficulties at all. Horn systems with two different drivers, two way Subwoofer with one closed and one bass reflection department, simply or doubly ventilated bandpass systems, all that and yet much more succeeds effortlessly."

Comment: The graphics problem of the horn input window shown in HOBBY HiFi was solved in the meantime.



"Das Tier"
Reflex-Horn-Hybrid with 103 dB/W/m and 18-Inch driver.

"...One day AJHorn spat out now the reflection horn hybrid housing introduced here for the AWX-184 18-Inch driver by Mivoc. On the paper, the horn with very high sensitivity and orderly Bassperformance made an outstanding figure in relative compactness."

" the horn stands here and bolsters the theory mark shaking with practice."

